Diabetes Type 1 for dummies

Faisal Parwani
2 min readMar 1, 2024


When Our daughter was 9, we found that she has Type 1 Diabetes. As a parent it was a shocking news. But we accepted the fact and move forward to start learning how to deal with it.

In this article i want to share my experience and learning in simple words. I am not a medical expert but will try to explain it in layman language.


If we go back and rerun through her 6th to 8th year. There were many symptoms. We did not realized at that point.

1: She was not gaining weight as she should.

2: Getting thirsty

3: Increased urination. Also in the nights

4: Regular Headaches/Stomach ache

5: Being lethargic

6: Breath fruity smell

To understand diabetes Type 1 vs Type 2, you need to first understand how your body processes sugar.

Glucose: Our bodies use glucose for energy. Glucose is a type of sugar, comes from two places. 1:) Food 2:) Liver

Insulin: a hormone that helps move glucose from our blood to the cells, which then use the sugar for energy. Insulin plays a key role. Without insulin, glucose stays in your blood, and you can’t use that energy.

Pancreas: this organ creates insulin your body needs to get and use glucose.

Islet Cells: These cells make insulin in your pancreas.

Difference Diabetes type 1 and type 2

Diabetes type 1 and type 2 come from different causes:

  • Diabetes type 1 is caused by auto immune reaction. Body’s immune system attacks the islet cells in the pancreas that make insulin. Pancreas create very little or no insulin at all.
  • In Diabetes type 2 your body becomes resistant to insulin. This means your body has insulin but unable to fully utilize it.

Diabetes Type 1

In Type 1 Diabetes, body creates antibodies against insulin. So pancrease reduce creating insulin. After certain time it completely stops making insulin. Insulin is the key to consume and convert blood glucose into energy. In absence of insulin, glucose will stay in the blood and glucose level will keep rising.

Type 1 can be diagnosed at any age but commonly found in kids of small age. Some kids have it since very early age. It depends on your lifestyle. Kids eating lots of sugar and packaged items might discover this problem sooner.

People with Type 1 need to provide insulin to body via injection or Pump. Whenever you eat something which has carbohydrates:

  • You need to calculate the amount of carbohydrates.
  • Calculate amount of insulin dosage for your body
  • Inject insulin.

I will cover the Carbohydrate calculation in a separate Articles.


It is a comon misconception that if you have Diabetes you only stop eating sugar, and can eat every thing else. This is wrong. Diabetes has every thing to do with Carbohydrates. Sugar, rice, potatoes, white flour, wheat flour etc. all have carbohydrates. means eating that will rise the glucose level in your blood.

Whats is Next

My plan is to write another article related to Carb calculation and Carb calculated Recipes. Will compile those here below so stay tuned.

Intro to Carbohydrates calculation



Faisal Parwani

Software engineer for around 15+ years working in java and surrounding technologies.